Can You Be Both Feminine and Fierce?
Yes! Even though I’m a total fierce, full of sass and know I’m cool as sh*t, I’m still feminine and even fragile at times. I’m nurturing and soft around the edges. I have big emotions and wear my heart on my sleeve. And that’s a beautiful thing. Femininity is fabulous.
It’s a wonderful and beautiful thing to embrace being delicate as well as being tough. As humans, we are so multi-faceted.
Being a fierce woman doesn’t mean you must become emotionally hard as a rock, an ice queen, or masculine. (Unless you want to be.) In fact, being a fierce woman is completely subjective in appearance. Fierceness is an internal force that is entirely up to you to convey uniquely.
I hope this has inspired your own confidence, sassy side, and inner strength. So you can become the most fearless, fierce version of yourself!